Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Tackling Floods on Permanent Basis!

Recent floods in the northern states of country is being treated like usual and just like the past catastrophes, it is also going to be forgotten and deliberately ignored without any constructive results. These floods have so far claimed the lives of hundreds of people and affected thousands of people and financial losses have been estimated in millions of dollars. Thousands of acres of arable land and crops on them have been destroyed. Starting from the presidential palace to the ministers, condolences and regrets have been extended which are unfortunately of no practical use for the victimized people of these provinces. The rescue work has been started but its limited scope is not going to relieve much of the effected people and this rescue work would also come to an end once the news about the floods start fading in the national and international media.

Two years ago, same areas were badly devastated by the seasonal floods and at that time as well, similar temporary arrangements were made and this criminal negligence and indifference of government and relevant authorities gave birth to this year’s disaster. The problem is not over and with more rains, the intensity and range of flood is like to enhance which would add to the miseries of people. The provinces are included in the impoverished and underdeveloped provinces of the country where people are already suffering with poverty and unemployment and these floods have even deteriorated their already meager conditions.

In South Asian countries of Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, poor arrangement by the government always turns the seasonal rains into disastrous floods in which hundreds of lives are lost while billions of dollars are lost in the form of financial losses. Last year’s floods in some states of India and Pakistan’s worst floods of 2010 are some of the examples. These two neighboring countries of Afghanistan almost always face this disaster on annual basis and lack of proper management results in these disasters. In Afghanistan as well, due to the lack of dams and other arrangements, the rain water soon turns into a flood. Once the floods are over and there is no rain for a season, the areas also come under the threat of drought and resultant famine and food-shortage.

This time, government is requested to make out proper planning to stop these floods, once and forever. There would definitely be heavy rains in coming years as well and if proper arrangements were not made, these rains would always turn into floods bringing miseries to the people. In this regard, international community may be requested for planning and financial support for such programs.