Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Defiance against Primary Result

The announcement of primary result of the election seemingly has not satisfied the presidential candidates. Though there are criticisms from all candidates, the two leading candidates, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. AshraffGhani Ahmadzai contest the result of election more than anybody else. Both claim that they have gained far larger percentage of the votes in comparison to what was announced. It is not clear on what basis they claim so but such controversies and baseless allegation put the country on edge of a cliff.

From the very start of electoral campaign, Dr. Abdullah said that he has two main rivals: fraud and fraud. By saying so, he meant that none of the candidates can ever challenge him, and he only feared about systematic rigging by government supporters. But thanks something good happened. After the withdrawal of Qayom Karzai, the elder brother of President Karzai from running the presidential election in favor of Zalmai Rasoul the former foreign minister and also reports about secret meetings in palace strengthened the notion that President Karzai wants ZalmaiRasoul to become the new president. Even some analysts openly claimed that President was engaged in playing the role of Mr. Putin of Russia, bringing Zalmai Rasoul into power and applies his plan through him. And finally after the completion of his term, Mr. President once again nominates himself and become the new president as Mr. Putin did in Russia.  Nobody believed that President Karzai may remain neutral in the election and all believed and still believe that the former foreign minister was his favorite candidate.

However,  Zalmai Rasoul gained no large number of votes. He only gained 11 percent of total votes which is quite ignorable considering efforts made for his success.  It was highly possible that if he became the second runner, then situation would have become much complicated, particularly when both candidates emphasize on going for the second round.

Hence, candidates particularly two leading ones avoid comments which endanger our national interests.  They should not call themselves as the winner of the election when people still have not casted votes. If none accepts the primary result of the elections, then who should be blamed for rigging? To whose favor fraud happened though documents and assessments reflect quite convenient level of transparency? Therefore, if people sacrifice themselves and put their lives at risk for casting their votes, candidates should not push the country into its historical mess. They should respect the decision of people.