Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Govt. Offices or the Core of Corruption

In Afghanistan, almost every government authority speaks of equality, merit, transparency in the process recruiting new people. They talk of sincerity, punctuality, hardworking and commitment to the people of Afghanistan. But the ground reality is that there is a difference of cheese and chalk between how they talk and how they walk.

Corruption, nepotism and cronyism in line ministries and their provincial units and other independent government organizations have risen up to an alarming level. It is almost impossible for someone to get his problems solved without bribing the government officials. Unfortunately, taking bribe is now a culture in Afghanistan.

Line ministries, the heart of the Afghan government, are the very center of various forms of corruption including nepotism and cronyism and are under direct influence of political circles. While employees of these ministries process applications of individuals affiliated with certain high government authorities, parliamentarians and political figures with a great promptness, the common Afghans have to pay handsome amounts in bribe to get their works done.

Corruption which was not quite common during pro-communist governments, today it has turned into a culture in the country that is led by democratically elected government. Disappointingly, the present administration has always come up with unrealistic solutions to curb rampant corruption.

Over the past 12 years, a large number of reports have been published on the growing corruption in government entities. In 2013 index of Transparency International, Afghanistan, like many other years, fell in the list of the most corrupt countries of the world. In other countries such reports do much to awaken the government. Nonetheless, there has been no effect on the Afghan government. It has turned blind eye to the evil corruption despite foreign and domestic pressures.

Majority of the officials at all management levels act dishonestly against their duties and responsibilities and they resist any positive undertaking aimed at eliminating corruption. The anti-corruption bodies formed by the government are all toothless and have no major achievement against the crooked officials who are looting the public for services against which they are already paid in the forms salaries and allowances. In general, the prevailing situation is due to the unwillingness of the government and it will not alter unless the government takes strict measures.