Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Increasing Trend of Alcohol Drinking

According to some unofficial reports, the increasing trend of drinking wine and other alcoholic drinks in some northern cities and towns and among the members of elite and upper classes of cities is creating a lot many social problems in our society. According to the informed sources, after the restoration of democratic government and abolition of radical Taliban government, people angry with the radical practices of Taliban started drinking wine and alcoholic drinks as a protest. Drinking wine and alcoholic drinks was not much common even before Taliban regime but after this regime, it at once became common in some parts of the country and now, it is openly drunk on a number of occasions like weddings, and other ceremonies. As far as elite and rich people dwelling in big cities especially Kabul are concerned, they were in habit of drinking even before the revolution and outburst of easy money in last ten years added more to their riches and encouraged them to find new ways of entertainment.

Being an Islamic country, majority of people are very much sensitive in this regard and they have great hatred for all the alcoholic drinks and for those who drink them. It is the reason why, those who drink alcohol are not regarded to be good people in our society and this has brought a kind of social divide. People not only regard this habit as a factor against the teachings of the religion but at a number of instances, they have openly criticized the drinkers of alcohol which has given birth to numerous other complications. It is the reason why, this habit has cut off the people from rest of the community and it is the reason, a great hatred is found in public against these people.

It is also a fact that majority of the people cannot control themselves after drinking alcohol and thus it has become associated with a number of criminal activities. After becoming drunk, some people shout, some utter blasphemous sentences and in some cases, commit rape or other crimes.

It also shows the weaknesses in our religious and ethical practices and how religion has remained only an element of show and majority of people are not aware of the true teachings or follow them.

Anyhow, being an Islamic country, it also becomes the responsibility of government to interfere in this issue and implement the state laws mentioned in this regard. Although this is a personal matter of people but as it is going to harm the national solidarity and security of the country, so corrective measures can be taken in this regard.