Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Alignment against the Specter of Evil Forces

It was nearly 10 years ago that the terrorists carried out their vicious attacks on the United States of America, which were orchestrated and plotted in Afghanistan, which was then ruled by the brutal regime of Taliban. The world felt a new security threat but Afghanistan found a new opportunity to begin to get rid of the evil forces that had made it the safe haven for themselves, and shake off the medieval signs.
Many world nations came to Afghanistan with their forces and money to help Afghan people stabilize, reconstruct and develop their country.

In the early years of the first decade of 21th century, Al-Qaeda and Taliban, as the evils of modern world, appeared to have been touted in Afghanistan for good. It was trumpeted as a success story. But it was in 2006 that they begin to resurface and remerge, requiring the international community to refocus on Afghanistan and to go from light foot print to heavy foot print to prevent the comeback of Taliban militants, whose ideology remains diametrically hostile to modern values such as human rights, women's rights and civil freedoms inter alia.

After repeated warnings by the military commanders on the ground that the world would face a resurgent Al-Qaeda and its extremist and destructive allies in Afghanistan, the U.S. president Barack Obama announced an additional 30,000 American troops to be deployed into Afghanistan. On Thursday morning according to Afghan time, president Obama announced withdrawal of US troops by next summer, stating, "We are starting this drawdown from a position of strength." Although he categorically said, "We will have to do the hard work of keeping the gains that we have made, while we drawdown our forces and transition responsibility for security to the Afghan government".

It is to be mentioned that it will be difficult to keep the gains peacefully and permanently if the Taliban militants are not dealt another vital blow to compel them to "break from Al-Qaeda, denounce violence, and abide by the Afghan Constitution", the conditions that should determine the reconciliation process if it is to be effective and successful. The leaders of anti-Taliban political groups and parties have already begun to think how to prevent from the emergence of the specter of a brutal and destructive force, a hard-line Taliban hostile to the values that form today's humanity. It is hoped that the president listens to the voices that call for a dignified peace based on justice. It is also hoped that international community shows patience until this overarching goal is achieved for the sake of Afghans who have suffered and continue to suffer from violence by Taliban tremendously.