Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Exterminating Terrorists might not End Terrorism!

With every advancing day the world becomes more insecure to live in, due to heightened terrorism and terrorists. It is witnessed that greater emphasis is laid over dismantling terrorists whilst ignoring the rich ground serving the causes of terrorism. The governments have devised counterterrorism policies that have rendered dysfunctional entailing ways of tackling terrorists, not terrorism.

It is generally noticed the extremists’ literatures taught in religious seminaries, are serving the root cause of terrorism. The seminaries operating unchecked across the length of Afghanistan and Pakistan are fertile grounds for spreading extremism. Given the words extremism and terrorism are coined with violence and bloodshed, hence are always associated with the Taliban and Al-Qaida. The blatant attacks launched every alternate day against innocent civilians, journalist’s foreign diplomats and public officials are executed by these groups, the loud vociferous claims testify.

Both Afghanistan and Pakistan are passing through a deteriorated state of insecurity. Every aspect of socioeconomic and political endeavor is worst affected by irreversibly growing militancy and insurgency. Still a great degree of soft standardization is shown by some faction in the two countries for such elements.

It is said that Pak-Afghan border has turned into safe havens for terrorists where they undertake militant practices and plot attacks on different governmental installations and public places, hence create law and order problems. The porous border has turned the bone of discontent between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is said that Al-Qaida affiliates are gathering in border region and carry out consecutive attacks at important sites.
Formerly the US’s State Department in its annual report pertaining countries affected by terrorism unearthed several drawbacks. The report claimed that al Qaeda’s core group in Afghanistan and Pakistan has been “seriously degraded”, but the group’s global leadership continues to operate from a safe haven in the region. The report claims Al-Qaida enjoys good ties with Haqani network (HQN) and Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and effectively communicates with organizations outside Asia which might turn ominous. Afghanistan is continuing to experience aggressive and coordinated attacks by the Afghan Taliban, HQN, and other insurgents and terrorist groups the report read.

Nevertheless the report accredits a certain degree of trust on the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) which now provides security across all of Afghanistan as the transition to full Afghan leadership on security continues in anticipation of the 2014 drawdown of US and Coalition Forces (CF).

Undoubtedly, the report underlined the core of problems, but didn’t highlight the causes of problems. It is highly required from both international community and terrorism hit Afghanistan and Pakistan, imbibe the breeding dynamics and motivational factors inducing terrorism and extremism than mere combating terrorims.