Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Corruption And Poverty Fuels Insecuirty

Poverty and unemployment are identified as the driving forces behind insecurity, and called for these issues to be addressed as a priority. Some people participate in insurgent activities to acquire an income. Joining anti-government elements or undertaking other illegal activities, such as drug production and trafficking, is often more lucrative, and with immediate returns, than struggling with farming or working in the informal sector for low wages. The practical dilemma in implementing the new strategy is that food and agriculture problems cannot be separated from problems caused by conflict, corruption, and narcotics trafficking.

According to a report published by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), some 9 million Afghans – 36 per cent of the population – are believed to live in absolute poverty and a further 37 per cent live only slightly above the poverty line, despite an estimated injection of billions of dollars in previous years. The report unearthed only 23 percent of the population has access to safe drinking water, and only 24 per cent of Afghans above the age of 15 can read and write, with much lower literacy rates among women and nomadic populations. The extravagant expenditure of government should be held responsible for worsening state of affairs by not taking poverty alleviating measures into practice.

The national and international financiers and donors are willing to extend their services, businesses and aids, provided the government ensures a corruption free and a transparent system operating efficiently. The confidence installed in them, only then the government can attract the international investors – if safeguards to maltreatments are rendered. Following a transparent undertaking in governmental business, the financiers, donors and investors may actively contribute to poverty alleviation by creating job opportunities. The government is consequently held responsible to

The ruling class keeps on building castles in the air by making impracticable pledges. We have been practically changed into a nation who is to just wait and hope for the best. The government and ruling elites relies on making promises, as if their hollow and fuzzy assurances could solace the relentless issues related with unemployment, insecurity and poverty. The masses are fed up with the formless promises.

The public departments and institutions are devoid of pieties and are bursting with corruption, monopoly and nepotism and favoritism. Any public official enjoying a notable position competes his counterpart in drawing the greater benefits out of public assets. In the public offices an ordinary person has to wait and suffer until the officials is not paid a sufficient amount of bribe. You are not regarded amongst dignitaries unless you divert greater public resources and accounts into your personal use and subsequently claim them your birth possessions shamelessly at the end of the day. Hence the corrupt attitude of government is equally responsible for poverty that serves insecurity.