Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Education Suffers Dire Negligence

The role of education for the joint uplift of a nation is irrefutably central. The collective socioeconomic and political advances of a nation are determined by the degree of concentration diverted to improve its literacy graph and the amount of resources allocated to this preliminary societal need. A nation reaches to prominence, turn unbeatable and matchless, only when greater intrepid steps are taken to eliminate illiteracy by declaring the state of educational emergency. The profound significance of education in societal ascend is established and undisputed, contrary of being failed to inspire our politicians.

Education is a versatile tool guaranteeing stability, social cohesion and societal uplift whilst ensuring respect for human rights. Many societal problems get regulated after education stand top most priority. The skinny budget allocated for education ridicules us as a nation and marks deep-rooted state of intellectual bankruptcy. Unless education renders preliminary requisite, success may remain a daydream.

A glance at our deserted national priorities disheartens us of interminable irrational and abrupt priorities which happens to be mostly influential than inspirational. The undertakings executed under the influence of forged circumstances than national priorities yield not, the desired result based on national interest.

The misleading objective opinion owned, by incumbent rulers deluded them of genuine issues, instead, are stuck to unfounded motives in seeking the traces of others involved despite owing hundreds of operational departments under their service. Sticking to state of constant denial, owing the responsibility of mishaps undertaken in one’s realm marks an in-depth degree of incompetence whilst negating any expectancy of betterment.  Consequently the politician shun in delusion tries not to revisit the gray areas of governance, consequently improvement turned an intangible target given a rational dictum for intellectual and material achievements has never been a pursuable discourse for our politician. Regretfully the efforts are mostly exercised to earn the credit for else good deeds instead of owning and following a clear stance.

Formerly a report surfaced by education ministry that unearthed three million children remain out of school across the country, despite partial improvement in the quality of education and staff capacity. This is a worrisome figure reflecting government’s interest toward educational betterment.

According to ministry of education in recent year, more than nine million students, 40 percent of them girls, were enrolled in schools across the country. Over 700,000 others, 60 percent of them females, attended literacy programs. It further entails 24 percent of children were still deprived of education due to lack of professional staff, closure of schools in insecure areas and other challenges. The unending state negligence depicts, a magic might reverse the notorious state Afghanistan faces at present.