Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Police Must Revisit its Behavior with Public!

In these pages, so many times we have raised the issue of the inappropriate and non-professional behavior of police in different urban and rural settlements of the country. Right from their establishment, police and to some extent, the members of National Army have been criticized for their rude and inappropriate behavior with the common citizens and using their authority and influence in an illegal way. When we talk of the local police who are commonly known as ‘arbaki’, the condemning voices have always surpassed the government advertisement in which they are shown to be helpful in maintaining peace and order in the rural areas of the country. Out of these three forces, National Army has the most pleasing reputation and its members are hailed and admired for their professionalism, valor and proper conduct with the common public.

There has been varying complaints against these forces responsible for keeping peace and order in the country. Local police or ‘arbaki’ are considered of being comprised of ill-trained, illiterate, harsh and criminal minded people. Their stories of beating or harassing people, looting their possessions, insulting them in general public and being involved in criminal activities are very common in the public and every passing day brings increase in such stories. Inside the major cities people complain of police for not treating the common public properly, driving their vehicles without observing the traffic laws, shouting or laughing in public which is not suitable for their position and reputation, not paying after eating in restaurants, harassing the shopkeepers and making less payments and in worst cases, using the influence of their uniform and authority to assist their relatives or friends in some illegal transaction. People are especially tired and disappointed of the way they drive their vehicles on highways and inside the major cities. They don’t wait for their turn, shout on people to give way to their vehicle and use the police siren unnecessarily. In the same way, they are also complained of wearing uniform in very non-professional manner and even smoking drugs like opium inside their vehicles.

According to the experts and common public, the only solution for the problems of local police is to abolish and bring an end to this non-professional force because it is a complete wastage of public resources and has not served its purpose. As far as police is concerned, we request their top officials to make strict rules that they should act humanely with public and behave nicely and properly in the public places. These rules should be duly conveyed to all the members of police force and proper system of follow-up of these rules should be designed so that these rules should be observed with their soul and spirit.