Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

“Day of Mourning” Ends, Not Govnerment’s Responsility

The inadvertence, lack of proper plans and inefficiency of government is wholly unearthed, subsequent to onset of natural calamity that rendered heart wrecking and regrettable. Following, the tragic landslide, the government quick response seemed minimal, even the aid and rescue operation couldn’t begin after 36 hours. It was later disclosed the government didn’t own sophisticated, handy tools and equipments that could help undig the buried lives. A senior public official responsibly, but helplessly, stated that the affected area should be transformed into mass graveyard, depicting the height of indifference and mercilessness. It was the praiseworthy extension of responsibility, in disguise, by corresponding public officials, following the third day calamity hit, succeeded.

At the end of day, the eminent and beloved leadership of the country felt its responsibility showing willingness to visit the site of devastation. Finally, the premier paid a symbolic visit to victims of the landslide in the Abi Barik village of Argo district and expressing condolences and sympathy with the effecters, at the peak of time when hardly anyone had survived. President Karzai listened to worries and concerns of survivors and made promises to resolve them by allocating enough resources. President Karzai assured them that local and foreign aids and assistance have been collected and will be distributed among them. The President noted that new houses will be built for those who have lost their homes in this natural disaster. The move is plausible, sharing the grievances of victims but better if pragmatic and cognitive abilities are put into practice.

It was indeed a great tragedy that left hundreds of precious lives dead at the earliest hours.  Many lives could be rescued if aids had reached on time. The number of causalities hastily reached to thousands, given the government couldn’t adobe necessary measures tackling the tragedy. The government gave up digging the beloved ones, consequently they themselves began searching them. Many affected families have questioned the government over giving up so quickly the search for victims, leaving locals and volunteers digging on their own. Less than a day after the tragedy, officials halted search and rescue efforts. Though the neighboring countries, Iran and China extended their selfless services to retrieve the dead bodies, subsequent to the govenrment showing negligence and separated itself continuing rescue operations.

Seeing the intensity of tragedy and its inabilities to cope the deteriorating state of affairs, the government must have asked for international rapid response force to uncover the buried lives. Later on, the symbolic demand of a national mourning day came forth. The celebration of the mourning day landslide claimed thousands of lives as a national day marks the end of responsibility of government.

Many countries extended willingness to aid the affected population. The grants and aids should be disbursed fairly. The complete rahabilitation of affected population and reconstruction of durable residences should be executed on priority bases.