Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Af-Pak Border Issue Re-emerged

It is a thoughtful maxim, “Friends may change, not neighbors”. Pakistan and Afghanistan are century old neighbors. Nevertheless, their history records many ups and downs in mutual relations. The relations between the South Asian neighbors have been marked by decades of distrust and outbreak of fighting. One of fundamental reasons behind is the common border between the two counties.

It is said that Pakistani forces had attempted to install a security gate and construct a wall in the Goshta district of eastern Nangarhar province, triggering an exchange of fire with Afghan forces. Afghan officials are accusing Pakistani security forces have started the construction of military installations at the Zero-Point along the Durand Line well inside southern Kandahar province. This is a porous point that reportedly raised militant activities in Kandahar due to the rise in cross-border movement of rebels.

Pakistan and Afghanistan share common border, common culture, common history, and common worsening issues of terrorism, extremism, poverty and illiteracy. The odds include relationship breakdown, trust deficits associated with leadership delayed consideration to literacy, peace, economic growth and normalized relationship given prior importance. Nevertheless, subsequent to installment of new government in Islamabad, a move instigated that meant to revive a congenial relationship between the two countries on the road to prosperity, shared interests and regional developments.

Pakistan and Afghanistan share a fraternal relationship based on faith, kinship culture and history. The two countries have faced common challenges in the past and stood by each other in times of need. Over the past 3 decades, Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghan refugees who had to leave Afghanistan due to conflict and instability. Presently, Pakistan hosts 1.6 million Afghan refugees; the number is the greatest to the other host countries.

Terrorism and extremism, undoubtedly a challenging menace to the two countries, has added into the wrecked economies, inflicting worst effects on governance. It is time both countries looked into long term sustainable relationship – information sharing mechanism, be developed and joint counter terrorism initiatives be taken so that none of the terrorists escape the reach of law. Any element or issue causing the breach of trust between the two countries must be led to negotiation. The insurgents seeking save havens across the borders must be crushed with full might. The ties should be developed based on trust, trade and tourism. The two countries having cultural and social ties must ease free trade and bridge relationship by encouraging people to people contact.

It’s high time both Pakistan and Aghanistan diffuse the distracting foundation of mistrust hindering peace drive. There are several genuine issues; both countries are facing with inclusion to border problems and unrelenting terrorism. It is precious moments the two neighbors work out an agreed solution to all immediate problems. Both are required to work strengthening border coordination and also jointly work for installing durable peace and drag forth the peace talks. The two countries having cultural and social ties must ease free trade and bridge relationship by encouraging people to people contact.