Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Badakhshan Disaster: Recover the Dead Bodies!

Natural disasters that most of times create national tragedies have been occurring since existence of life on earth. Natural disasters cause thousands to die and produce massive financial and property losses around the world every year. But since development has taken place in technology, efforts are made by the governments of the world to minimize destructions caused by natural disasters as far as possible.

When it comes to Afghanistan, its northern provinces are where natural disaster such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, avalanches etc. and its southern provinces are where droughts occur from time to time. Therefore, the government can prepare better to manage disasters if it sincerely acts and strategically plans.

Recently, floods and landslides took many people’s lives and destroyed their homes, farms and other belongings. But the government is being objected for not having enough preparedness for dealing with such disasters. The Badakhshan landslide buried hundreds of people beneath the earth. They are still there as the government has announced the affected area as mass grave instead of taking immediate measures to recover the dead bodies.

Now, the only wish of surviving men, women and children is recovery of dead bodies of their family members. They have requested the same from government authorities who have visited the area but their voice has not been heard so far. Disappointed from the government, some people have been digging the earth for certain days in search of dead bodies of their beloved ones. This indicates what they actually want.

President Hamid Karzai has announced a $4 million aid to the affected families of Badakhshan landslide. Relief and support are being provided to the victims by certain national and foreign organizations, WFP, Afghan Red Crescent etc.Above all, the incident united the people of Afghanistan in helping their countrymen in this moment of grief. They have been donating cash and other food and non-food items.

While such providing support and relief and their transparent distribution to affected families are very crucial, the best gift the Afghan government can give them is recovering the dead bodies of their family members that are lying deep under the surface of earth.In this regard, the government must seek support from advanced countries of the world. It must even purchase the required equipment not only for using them in this particular incident but also for the future ones.