Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Taliban’s Spring Offensive Kicks Off

In a recent statement the Taliban announced the start of their spring offensive against the foreign troops, their Afghan co-workers and Afghan government. This is perhaps Taliban’s last summer fight against the international troops in Afghanistan. The US-led troops are due to withdraw from the country by the end of this year.

If the pending Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Kabul and Washington is signed, it will allow a small number of US troops to remain in Afghanistan for training the Afghan security forces and keeping an eye on the terrorist groups. The Taliban, however, have said that their so-called jihad will continue until and unless all the American-led troops are out of the country. A part of Taliban’s statement reads, "If the invaders or their internal stooges believe that reducing the number of foreign forces will dampen our jihadi fervor then they are sadly mistaken." It signals that withdrawal of NATO troops amidst Karzai administration’s soft instance towards Taliban have done much to boost their morale.

Although Taliban’s attacks continue throughout the year, it is easy for them to operate in warmer seasons. Unfortunately, these are mostly civilians that become the victims of insurgents’ bloody attacks. Figures indicate that the Taliban are responsible for most civilian casualties every year. One wonders how they name their brutal activities as jihad as killing the innocents is strictly prohibited in the religion of Islam.

As the NATO forces are packing for home, there are grave concerns about the life of the Afghan people who have been working with them. The Taliban have specifically threatened such individuals in their statement. "The main target of the current year's blessed jihadi operation shall be the foreign invaders and their backers under various names like spies, military and civilian contractors and everyone working for them like translators," it said. Indeed, local Afghans who have supported foreign troops and civilians especially the translators are considered worse than infidels by Taliban. Therefore, the NATO countries must put safety of such Afghans at priority.

The Results of April 5th presidential election so far announced by Independent Election Commission indicate that none of the candidates have attained the winning mark which is above 50% of votes. If a run-off takes place, keeping in view the current statement of Taliban it is feared that they would launch deadly attacks in order to disrupt it.

Taliban’s statement must be taken as open threat and preventative measures to foil and counter their attacks inside capital Kabul and other important cities of Afghanistan must be taken. Ministries of interior and defense must prepare its security plans in accordance with changing scenario in the country and the Taliban must not be allowed to triumph in their heinous objectives.