Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Effects of Delayed Results on Common Man!

According to the sources of Independent Election Commission, the announcement of final results and the following election runoff is going to be delayed at least two weeks. These announcements have been badly condemned by the parliamentarians and people from every walk of life. IEC might have made this announcement having a look at its own problems and limitations but in all these, the condition of the common man should not be forgotten.

For more than a year, all the economic activities have almost come to a complete halt and the situation has badly affected the common man who is struggling to earn the bread for his family. In such circumstances, all the local and foreign investors had completely seized their investments due to the uncertain future of the country. They were waiting for the finalization of BSA deal but unfortunately, it was not signed by President Karzai and when the hope of signature faded, the condition got even worse and then the hopes were pinned with the new president who was hoped to sign this agreement and bring an end to all the doubts about the future of the country. This year, mass participation of people gave a hope that the election results would make possible the smooth and democratic transition of power and this stability will bring hope and confidence to all and economic activities will again start. But unfortunately, the whole process of elections is the most lengthy and complicated in the whole world and even a month after the elections, the final results have not been announced and every passing day is bringing more and more pressure on the already weak economy of the country.

Chamber of commerce of Afghanistan has also expressed its serious concerns about the impact of delays in the election results on the economy.

Last few weeks were also concerning regarding the increasing attacks of Taliban in different parts of the country and the counter-attacks of national army in which hundreds of Taliban have been killed in last week only. All these conditions are affecting badly the overall morale of the countrymen. Investors are getting more and more disappointed about their future investments and the economic activities are shrinking. In such circumstances, the condition of a common person should not be forgotten for whom the conditions are getting serious with every passing day. It becomes both moral and legal responsibility of the Commission to make incessant efforts to announce the final results as soon as possible and if needed, the election runoffs should also be conducted in the least time possible.