Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Presidenship, not a Bed of Roses

Afghanistan is passing through democratic phases whilst intervening countless challenges. Given, none of the presidential candidates, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani, could score 50 plus votes; consequently the runoff for second round is underway. It is premature to predict which of the contenders will render victorious. However, seeing the magnitude of problems, it can be assessed that the presidential seat will not prove to be a bed of roses. There are enough efforts to be put to exercise everting the ill-fate of Afghans.

Our beloved motherland passes through diverse security, political and economic troubles. Every problem has got its own dynamics and demands a variant solution. Putting cognitive abilities into practice the public officials can reduce the size of problems if they cannot eradicate them. The politicians representing their electoral constitution should not necessarily come up to the expectation of poor masses but to the voice of faithfulness and sanity. 

Afghanistan is in dire need of socio-political assistance and trained official in all fields of human endeavors. Any country extending selfless services must be warmly received. In that pursuit a cordial relationship must not be developed but tried to be maintained. Afghanistan at present pushed to directionless avenues of battered relation with international community serves not the Afghanistan’s interest.

Afghanistan faces multifaceted issues. After a decade long period of rule, the government couldn’t avert the escalating graph of despondency. Neither the rule of law, administrative accountability enforced nor elimination of social ills, terrorism and corruption materialized. However, the politics of allegation and counter allegation was well exercised. Sometimes foreigners were accused of evil practices sometimes international community, the government remained the icon of achievements. High ranked public officials senior politicians involved in bank scandals and corruption, Taliban involved in sever human rights violation, were not brought to book and neither it seemed government’s concern or priority.

The presidential contenders pledging assurances of betterment will work only when tangible measures are taken. Afghanistan cannot develop without a sustainable economical road map drawn and implemented that grants them financial independence. The state of self reliance can only be achieved when heavy investments are made in the field of human resource developmental programs.

The government and public officials must realize, the dream of a vibrant, progressive, developed Afghanistan can only materialize, provided a handsome amount of budget is allocated for education, health, infrastructure and governance. We must learn it that a healthy, literate and well governed Afghanistan is a secure and developed Afghanistan.

It should be learned that quantity of material possession decides not the rate and span of collective triumph but the number of well learned and cognizant men do. Greater the number of eligible citizens, greater will be optimistically contributing individuals to play their part in upbringing of the country out of multifaceted crisis. This only crystallizes, given the supremacy of rational laws and merits are withheld. Tangible measure needed to drag the country out of multitude of crisis.