Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Latest Equipment the Foremost Need of ANSF

Afghanistan National Security Force (ANSF) is the ultimate hope of the Afghan people. Keeping the integrity of this force means keeping the integrity of the whole nation. Twelve years back, the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police started their crucial journey from zero. Today Afghanistan has 350,000-strong security force which seemed more like a dream when Taliban government had just been ousted in 2001. This is the presence of such a force that the chance of Taliban’s return to government seems has become near to zero. As the international troops are on the path to withdraw, the need for ANSF to be equipped with latest weaponry and existence of a strong air is being felt more than ever before. 

Knowing the vitality of a well-equipped army, President Hamid Karzai has raised the issue of weaponry for ANSF for many times in the past. The President has emphasized that ANA should be fortified with modern arms, with a competent and well-equipped air force, to protect the country’s borders. He knows it well that strong military is important to ensure the country’s territorial integrity. For stronger defense, President Karzai has been calling upon the allies of Afghanistan to provide security forces of the country with latest artilleries, weapons, tanks and aircrafts.

The fact that Afghanistan’s air force faces lack of helicopters, fighting planes and its ground forces do not have enough modern weapons, tanks and other war equipment in their hand can be deemed a major reason behind the growing graph of their casualties.

The Afghan government has not been able to fulfill the needs of ANSF. The security officials have been putting forward their requests to the government from time to time but have never been addressed. Indeed, Afghanistan being a country that is highly dependent on foreign aids to meets its military and non-military expenditures is not in a position to purchase military equipment. Therefore, the world community must support it in this regard.

Afghan security forces currently use weapons that are decades old. To let them be in a better position against the Taliban and other groups of insurgents, it must be provided with latest weapons, tanks, war crafts and other military equipment. Trainings are pivotal for Afghan security forces but now they need modern military equipment more than training.