Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Intellectual Bankruptcy Caused us Sufferings

Indiscriminate and faceless owing of the worldly discoveries is one of the persona some of the so-called Muslim intellectuals bear. The mismatched references are superfluously used in order to justify their intellectually bankrupt state. The claim for every invention left them in superiority complex and hollowness, turning their inate aptitudes plagued and dysfunctional. On the other extreme, years long propaganda against modern scientific education is also propagated that sought a credible support and appreciation from many well learned individuals.

Most of the problems, we encounter on daily accounts are associated with a flawed understanding of the root causes of the quandary and flawed strategies leading to its proper solution. Consequently, efforts are exercised in the pursuit of extraneous vague goals, even then an appropriate way out falls short to be devised. Thus, we keep on oscillating between the issue and the disingenuous course leading to reprehensible solution.

One of the degenerative understanding, commonly witnessed is an objective view of the issues. It has always been effortless, holding someone else responsible for our erroneous deeds. We have all turned professionals in disowning the ill-consequences, some of our ill-strategized feat brings. We spare not, any opportunity to earn credites for other selfless undertakings. Conversly, we are reluctant to own the reponsilbities for a self done, fallacious accomplishments.

Formerly, the First Vice-President Mohammad Yunus Qanuni alleged

Afghanistan’s enemies were trying to disrupt the run-off elections, asking security forces to adopt drastic measures to foil such attempts. He urged security forces to demonstrate complete impartiality during the election process and avoid supporting any candidate. The issuance of directives is commendable task that works when systematic strategy is put into play. The assurance of better security is a subject, pleading greater coordination between the concerned departemtns followed by close survellience system, instead of mere expressing concerns.

Man is entitled to be the supreme creature given his superior mental capability owes a peculiar attributes in his inferior body. Deeds are executed in the light of perception thought-out in one’s mind based on sensational judgments. The mental supplement involving rational discourse is never brought into practice that enables man learn beyond the limits of superficial sensory perceptiveness. The sensory learnablity of man lies within a restricted limit; nevertheless his mental perceptiveness is boundless and is at par with excellence.   

It should underlined that a sustainable triumph with continuous and unending effort, encompassing a dynamic mechanism, pursuing a workable strategy seems plausible and workable. Problems and crisis are the integral part of every society, as long as a pragmatic solution is not work out. Man owes the potentials of averting their disgruntled fate by exercizing rational deeds following due course of actions. This very dream only crystallizes when we get rid of intellectual bankruptcy.