Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Cyberspace Will Do More Harm than Good

Perhaps Facebook, which is a great amusement, will soon change into a splitting headache for our youths. One will be surprised to see the young girls chatting in the buses, on the streets, in the classes, etc. The cyberspace has interrupted the privacy of the people to a large extent. Many spend long hours and great energies on Facebook in return for nothing. Moreover, some propagate about the politicians sharing insulting photos of them which hurt the feelings of the viewers and create tension among them. Sharing shameful pictures and using foul languages aggravate the problem.

Who will be on the other side of the chat room with the girls? People will hardly think positively. The old men roll their eyes and the young ones watch enthusiastically. In short, whoever the other side is, but it will arouse one’s suspicion.

In addition, some males sign in the Facebook with feminine names to cheat their own fellows or just to chat with females. The poor fellows will bombard him with love messages making great efforts to talk tactfully and with great adulation so as not hurt their feelings. The owners of the feminine emails will flirt womanly time and again trying to be frugal with answers. In effect, they cheat themselves rather than others, don’t they?

Some foment ethnic tensions in cyberspace, especially in the current sensitive time that the election is supposed to go to its second round. Pro and anti-candidates’ slogans are shared vastly through different emails. Some unfold the historical phenomena as a reliable source to favor one and disfavor the other. Since one can easily use alias in Facebook, insulting and using foul languages are done to excess.

Such type of misusing is rampant among the teenage. They wander in Facebook searching for friends of opposite sex to chat. Since they are just mature physically and passing the most critical process of their life, their only focus is to satisfy their physical thirst in one way or another. Psychologists recommend the people in their teens to be so cautious not to leave the rein of their spirit in the hand of their lust.

This is a matter of great concern to see our youths mired in the clutch of cyberspace. Seemingly, our younger generation will face great challenges.

It is believed that we experience a cultural rupture. The youths’ attitudes and ways o life have put them in conflict with their parents’ traditional way of life. The parents feel nostalgia for the good old days and it is justifiable. Hope our youths deal with Facebook in a sensible way and use it efficiently.