Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

ANSF’s Sacrifices Must be Admired!

President Obama’s recently reached Afghanistan after hours-long travel just to say thank you to US forces for their sacrifice and service. He has done this before. Not only him but also leaders of other countries of the world have come to Afghanistan to visit their troops even in volatile provinces such as Helmand. As a matter of fact, such visits are made to support and raise the spirit of soldiers fighting in the battle ground; soldiers who have valued security of their homeland and countrymen more than their own lives. Such sacrifices are invaluable!

By their visits from time and time to their soldiers deployed in Afghanistan, the leaders of the West have set a noble example of how political leaders must go anywhere their troops are, shake hands with them and thank them for what they are doing for their country and people.

Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) that have bravely stood in defense of their homeland against the enemies and terrorists groups are real heroes but have not been appreciated enough by President Hamid Karzai and other Afghan leaders in a way they deserve. Despite calls from certain circles, the present government has reluctantly acted in this regard.

Performing military duties in a country like Afghanistan where death follows one every moment is not easy and requires bravery, commitment, patriotism and sacrifice. Every year, hundreds of Afghan security forces are killed and injured in terror attacks and military operations. Since they have taken over security responsibilities of the country from International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) their death toll at times increased even up to the level 100 per week.

Afghan national army and police have proven their abilities in defending Afghanistan. They successfully arranged for security of the recently held presidential and provincial council election which was praised by the international community. As the presidential election has gone into the second round, the Afghan security forces are expected to do even better for allowing the people vote in a secure environment.

Although ANSF functions selflessly, Afghan leaders and the whole nation is required to stand behind them. They are the ones who deserve utmost attention, admiration, encouragement and support. It is the responsibility of the government to support the families of Afghan soldiers and police who are killed or injured in defense of the country in proper way. In his last days, President Karzai must also come forward and publically thank the Afghan security forces for the sacrifices they have been making for peace and security of every Afghan including the president and other political leaders of Afghanistan.