Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Af-Pak Border Tension: Discords do More Harm than Good!

The porous border, along the Durand line, has turned the bone of discontents between Afghanistan and Pakistan, hosting numerous terrorists. It is accepted that large number of local and non-local terrorists seeks save heavens across the Pak-Afghan border, where they run training camps and frequently plot terrorist activities against the either of aforesaid states. Seemingly both Pakistan and Afghanistan claim to be front states, fighting insurgency and terrorism, nonetheless no bold measure, from either side is taken in crushing the militant’s hideouts across the border. Consequently the terrorist easily undertake malicious acts and subsequently safely return back to their hideouts that seem to be inaccessible if not impossible for security institutions of the two countries.

Formerly, another awful incident of cross border incursion occurred where reportedly Pakistani gunship helicopters pulverized civilian homes in the Dangam district of eastern Kunar province. According to media reports the attack claimed lives of four civilians and injured other ten including women and children. Seeing precious innocents render targets, accordingly serious fear and concerns prevail in neighboring areas.

Previously, President Karzai, being overwhelmed by civilian causalities and public pressure, raised the issue of shelling into Kunar with Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, where he urged Pakistan's Prime Minister to inquire into the subject and showed serious reservations about the former incident. Responding at the raised reservations, Mr. Shareef stated the terrorists coming from Afghan land, cross border and plot terrorists’ activities. This, certainly, is the part of old practiced blame game where the responsibilities are not fixed and rational strategies to counter terrorism are never be devised.

There are several genuine issues; both countries are facing with inclusion to border problems and unrelenting terrorism. It’s high time both Pakistan and Afghanistan diffuse the distracting foundation of mistrust eroding mutual trust. It is vital for two countries to develop long-lasting and endless cordial relationships based on mutual respect, material and technical support and co-operation and coordination. Bridging the untied relationship may bring a sustainable security and stability in both countries –it is the aspiration of people of both countries. 

It is precious moment that the two neighbors work out an agreed solution to all immediate problems. Both Afghanistan and Pakistan needs to reaffirm their compliance to launch a joint venture against illiteracy, poverty, terrorism and extremism. Both are required to work strengthening border coordination and also jointly work for installing durable peace and drag forth the peace talks. The two countries having cultural and social ties must ease free trade and bridge relationship by encouraging people to people contact.