Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Key Taliban Figures Freed

Finally, the United States yielded and let top Taliban commanders in exchange for an American soldier who was arrested by Taliban militants. The US thanked the Qatar for its efforts for releasing the American soldier and the foreign sectary Jack Hegel has said that they were released because the life of the American soldier was in danger.

On the other hand, Afghan government also welcomed the move. The spokesman to High Peace Council, Ismael Qasimyar hoped that their release will lead to reopen of political office in Qatar which was closed after severe criticisms of Afghan government. Kabul said that foreign countries wanted to surround through reaching to a peace deal with Taliban militants without letting it to resolve its domestic problem with its armed opposition.

But the surprising thing is this that Kabul never loses hope to make a peace deal though Taliban continuously rejected to even sit around a table with government representatives. President Karzai even indirectly promised high political posts for Taliban leaders but till now have just made mockery of the offer, nothing else at all.

Similarly, from long time back, it embarked to policy of releasing Taliban prisoners in order to prove its sincerity in terms of peace deal or perhaps to get the attention of its leaders to resume negotiation. Hundreds of Taliban prisoners have been released from Bagram prison but no one knows about their whereabouts. No one takes the responsibility to answer what they have done other than killing soldiers and innocent civilians. Pakistan was asked to do the same. Officials have taken an approach that measures Islamabad’s sincerity with releasing of Taliban prisoners irrespective of what happens. Some Taliban commanders were released from Pakistan but no change happened in the process.

The same policy still continues. Some Taliban commanders have been released. Figures like Fazil Mazlom who is responsible for massacre of Hazaras has once again worried people. But government is happy that also for some illusionary things which certainly will never be realized. The release of this figures is major success for Taliban not indeed for Afghan government. It is highly possible that Washington has also become tired of Kabul. Hopefully, after release of these figures, Kabul stops pushing for the rest as already key figures are released.