Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Improving Self Dependence

The decision of the United States to keep 9800 soldiers in Afghanistan after 2014 and then completely evacuating all its forces after 2016 was announced by the US president. This decision has so many aspects that may affect the overall strategy and position of the United States but would definitely have its impacts on Afghanistan and other countries of the region. In Afghanistan, the decision has not been warmly greeted and so many fears and apprehensions have been raised about the possible negative impacts of this decision on the future of the country and overall stability in the region. Keeping in view the disastrous example of Iraq in our mind, where the exit of American forces gave birth to the increased and expanded activities of militants and security condition got worst with every passing day and in the end, people started pledging for the return of American forces for the restoration of security in the country, similar fears and reservations have been raised by experts about the future of Afghanistan as well.

Although the transition of security from the foreign troops to Afghan Army has almost completed and in last few months, the performance of our national army has silenced all the critics and vanished away all the fears about the future of the country, it still remains a fear in the minds of political experts and the general public that after the exit of foreign forces, the security conditions may badly deteriorate and country may fall into the hands of militants. However, our security forces have repeatedly pledged to have complete ability and strength to protect the country from all the internal and external threats and not let the people feel that security conditions have deteriorated after the exit of foreign troops.

We believe and trust the capacity of our forces and also believe that the conditions will remain stable even after the exit of foreign troops but it becomes the responsibility of government and the security forces to make necessary arrangements in order to fill the gap that is going to be created after the complete evacuation of foreign troops. The exit of foreign troops will not only have security impacts but it would also affect our economy and other walks of life so necessary arrangements should consider all these points. At the same time, a media campaign must be initiated so that people should realize the fact and take it as normal and the exit of foreign troops should not result in any kind of panic or demoralization of the spirits of the nation. With every passing day, we will have to learn to become more and more self dependent and stop looking at international powers for running our country. This mindset is necessary both on government and public levels.