Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Huge Property of Security Officers!

According to the informed sources and the general public observation, large numbers of officers of police, intelligence, national army and other security forces have made millions of dollars of property and bank balances in last few years and there has been jaw-widening increase in their wealth and fortune. The legal salary that they withdraw from exchequer is not more than a few hundred or at maximum not more than a couple of thousand dollars which is hardly enough for their expenses and is absolutely impossible that they should be able to make such huge properties with this limited income. The only possibility thus remains behind is of corruption which is rampant and expanding rapidly in every field of life.

The corruption allegations seem quite reasonable due to a number of reasons like increasing crimes, drug smuggling, human trafficking and many other elements that have become the trademark of the present day Afghan society. There are more chances of earning in this field as all the major crimes and criminals can be stopped by the security forces and their officers can earn large sums in bribe by letting the crimes go unnoticed or by releasing the criminals. It is a general impression that police officers release the criminals of different crimes and even the most serious crimes like death by accepting huge amounts of bribe. Police officers are also accused of earning by allowing the criminal activities to continue unchecked like child abduction, drug sales, illegal businesses, minor crimes of theft and others. The officers of border security forces can earn by allowing drug smuggling, human trafficking and many other criminal activities. In the same way, intelligence officers can also earn large sums by discovering the criminal secrets of important members of society like parliamentarians, businessmen and others and then by accepting large sums of money for ignoring their criminal activities.

Whatever may be the reasons, the officers of these security forces live in grand houses, have large number of very expensive vehicles, their children study abroad or in the most expensive schools of Kabul, have built huge plazas and business centers, opened businesses, and made investments. This trend is spreading like a virus and accepting bribe is becoming a culture for all those who can use their authority and designation to make illegal money.  

A government must make a committee of honest investigators who should investigate about the massive property of these officers and show to public their true faces. At the same time, the plundered money of public should be taken from them and spent on the projects of public prosperity.