Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Hazy Fate Of Released Taliban

The rumors that Taliban join peace efforts and mainstream politics might owe a certain degree of underlined facts, seeing the indescribable ground realities, the dream might not come true. Afghanistan has been striving hard to bring the Taliban back on the table of negotiation. Till date, no tangible development is achieved devoid of hopelessness and desperation. These are some of old heard clichés taking place here in Kabul. Nevertheless, elsewhere in Qatar, perpetual backdoor efforts are underway, if not to restore US-Taliban congenial relation, at least to revive bilateral confidence on some fronts, mediated by the Qatari government.

The fruit of backdoor secret talks materialized to a certain degree, observed on several occasions. As witnessed previously, the secret talks between Taliban and US led to re-installation of peace talks between Afghan government and the Taliban in Qatari capital, Doha. It was this development that led to the release of five influential Taliban leaders from the Cuban detention center, Guantanamo jail in swap for US soldier, Sgt Bowe Bergdahl who was held captive by Taliban for five years. The key Taliban released include Mullah Norullah Noori, the then Taliban’s governor for northern Balkh province, Mullah Fazl Akhund, the Taliban’s deputy defence minister, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the governor of western Herat province, former Taliban’s deputy intelligence chief Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq and military commander Mullah Mohammad Nabi.

Afghan High Peace Council (HPC) welcomed the release of five senior Taliban leaders expecting the released Taliban prisoners will help the Afghan peace process further with the Taliban militant group. The political experts also believe that the release of Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo prison will have a positive impact on the Afghan peace process.

Undoubtedly, it is a great step ahead playing a decisive role in encouragement of Taliban militants to restart peace talks. The veteran Taliban leader Mullah Mutasim Agha Jan too well received the release of five Taliban inmates terming it a bold step forth in continuation of  of intra-Afghan peace process.

The US and Qatari government made a deal that reads, Taliban will remain under surveillance of the Qatari government for a period of a year, that includes traveling restriction. Following their non-suspicious activities they might completely released. On the other hand the Afghan government wants exclusive freedom for the released Taliban leaders so that Afghan lead talks are staged without anyone’s intervention.

Appreciably, the development is praiseworthy, yet there are serious reservation on whether the released Taliban leaders turn blessing or curse for Afghanistan. It is feared, the Taliban as earlier, should not further the vested interest of their paid masters. Because, tracing the historic records, it can hardly be imagined, they should peacefully join the peace process nullifying their old practiced illicit activities.