Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Candidates’ Should Move More Democratically

It is commonly believed that election and peaceful transition of power is a step towards democratization and the public ballots denies the bloody bullets. Since, socialism prevents from wealth monopoly; democracy prevents from monopolizing power and gives equal rights and opportunities for the citizens to elect their president. Needless to say, experiencing more than three decades of war and bloodshed, Afghans are highly willing to breathe a sigh of relief in a democratic atmosphere – which is supposed to be empty of violent acts or prejudicial remarks. Is such democracy cherished by the officials?

One of the significant constituents of democracy is tolerance. In other words, democratic countries are supposed to show great tolerance about the public beliefs, ideas and expressions. However, one’s expressions should not result in hurting the others’ feelings. It is beyond doubt that freedom is the lifeblood of democracy, but one has to use it properly.

Since we are on the threshold of second round election, the two remaining presidential candidates are toughly competing in the campaigns. However, sometimes the candidates or their assistants either talk somewhat tactlessly about each other or exaggerate about their own achievements and abilities so as to divert the public votes towards their parties. Isn’t it an undemocratic movement towards democracy?

Democracy does not mean only the rule of the people but also the rule of law. In our constitutional law, the ethical values, social norms and human dignity are held in due respect. Our politicians are supposed to follow the rule so strictly so as to be a role model for our nation. In case of showing any undemocratic behaviors, the fingers will be pointed at them seriously.

Currently, the people have no other choice other than letting bygones be bygones. They will have to ignore whatever was done to them during the past political wheeling and dealing. It will be sensible of the public to keep silence in case of sustaining misbehaviors by the candidates in the past. Thus, it is time to bury the hatchet and shake hands with one another.

In addition, the candidates can use their freedom in campaigning and explaining their future agenda for the nation. However, hope they neither shout slogans beyond their abilities or loyalties nor overstate about the past achievements they made during the Karzai’s presidency. Moreover, they are asked to be more tactful in their speeches so that it may not result in the resentments of any parties. In short, democracy and freedom of speech must be practiced properly.