Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Environment Day Out of Presidential Candidates’ Focus

Keeping in view the importance of June 5th which is marked as environment day globally, it becomes imperative to write about grave challenges facing the environment in Afghanistan’s major cities including Kabul. Specifically speaking, as compared to its area, Kabul is highly polluted and populated city. However, environmental issues gain little or no focus at times the country will soonhave its new president elected. On the environment day, none of them focused or talked about the huge environmental problems in the country. 

As only a few days are remaining the crucial run-off election, campaigns by two leading presidential contenders have gained momentum more than ever before. Issues pertaining to security, economic and infrastructure development, women rights, governance, peace deal with Taliban and etc. have been majorly discussed and both the candidates have expressed their point of views on the above issues at various forums.

Nonetheless, it has been observed that none of candidates has delivered any specific plan for the environmental protection. Globally, issues related to environment hold much importance to the governments and are given enough focus in the election campaigns in major countries of the world.

Once a beautiful and clean city, Kabul now looks more like a garbage area than a real capital city. The only difference between a deserted area where waste from cities is transferred and Kabul is that in the later people live and in the former life of human is considered to be at great stake of deadly diseases. This can easily be judged by the dusty air and garbage scattered everywhere in the city.Additionally, there is no modern garbage disposal center to digest the garbage produced by some 5 million people in Kabul or recycle factories in Kabul and other big cities. Burning tires in brick kilns, public baths, battered roads, congested streets, smoke emitting from vehicles and poor forestation campaign have been contributing to the polluting environment.

Three decades of conflicts, population of around five million, huge number of vehicles, lack of greenery, poor sewerage system and government’s unwillingness have turned Kabul into a dreadful place for humans to live.

Over the last 12 years environment in Afghanistan suffered from lack of attention, it is feared that the same will continue for the next five years.Environmental plans are as crucial as plans for any other issue. The growing pollution in Afghanistan including its capital Kabul is indeed killing more people every year than terrorism does. The recklessness of the presidential candidates in this regard is quite disappointing. Still there is time for the candidates to deliver specific and practicable plans for environmental protection to the nation.