Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Mounting Insecurity Indicative of Bad Omen

Every day innocent civilians, army, police personnel and even political leaders render prey to endless bloodletting executed by insurgents. The fight between insurgents and government backed international allies seems unending. Regrettably the government instead of reversing malicious designs of terrorists rests to phony pretexts.

With every advancing day, as the round-off for presidential election nears, the apprehension of masses escalates, seeing the notorious security circumstances. Particularly, at present when the momentum of the electoral compaign is at height, any mishap will certainly draw down the whole system back to zero, leaving the people of Afghanistan pay the unpayable price. Consequently, the highest degree of responsibility is shifted to president who should duly divert handsome resources, tightening security measures. The govenrnment must timely respond at manifold concerns of contenders who are seeminly left at the mercy of terrorists.

Formerly, following an election campaign, the proponents of presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah Abdullah were about to diffuse, when a suicide bomber blew off himself. The attack claimed lives of six people, injuring 22 others. Luckily the presidential runner Dr. Abdullah Abdullah minutely escaped the attack, leaving some of his bodyguards mildly injured.

Abdullah was speaking at another rally held in his support soon after twin blasts ripped through his convoy returning from an earlier rally in the Mirwais Khan locality. According to media sources the explosions occurred at around 12:09 PM near Mirwais Khan locality on the Silo Road close to Ariana Hotel, officials said. Susequent to awful incident Dr. Ghani, the main rival of Abdullah tweeted: “We condemn the attack on respected presidential candidate Dr Abdullah Abdullah.”  “This is the act of the enemies of Afghanistan to disrupt the democratic process in the country.”

President Karzai also condemned the attack on Abdullah, calling it the handiwork of Afghanistan’s enemies who wanted to prevent the Afghans from electing their future president.

Subsequent to every triumphant attack the government needlessly sticks, finding traces of involvement of foreign elements, without putting the concerned department into question and owing a tougher stance crushing terrorists and extremists. The chief executive of the country instead turns apologists justifying the blood shedding of insurgents that have held the country hostage and pleads them peace talks.

The attack underscores the miserable security situation and failure of surveillance system that couldn’t trace the footsteps of terrorists who had been successful subsequent to attack launched. The government is equally liable for lacking a proper mechanism of accountability to make public security officials accountable.

The government must take speedy measures to ensure durable peace, and tightened security so that the round-off election be held on time. Following successful election and agreed transition, economic growth accelerates and the dream of progressive Afghanistan imminently comes true.