Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Anti-Terrorist Financing Law: A Way Forward to Curb Terrorism

It is generally noticed the extremists’ literatures taught in religious seminaries, are serving the root cause of terrorism. The seminaries operating unchecked across the length of Afghanistan are breeding grounds for spreading terrorism and extremism. Given the words extremism and terrorism are coined with violence and bloodshed, hence are always associated with the Taliban and Al-Qaida.

With every advancing day the world becomes more insecure to live in, due to heightened terrorism and terrorists. The blatant attacks launched every alternate day against innocent civilians, journalist’s foreign diplomats and public officials are executed by these groups, the loud vociferous claims testify.

The consecutive successful terror plots undertaken by insurgents and militants depict the degree of strength they have acquired over the length of time. Afghanistan is presently passing through the mirage of problems. One of them is irreversible growth of insurgency, terrorism and talibanization.

The query, how terrorists’ finances, their dreadful activities, put everyone into state of  perplexsion. The terrorists are always fully equipped with countless arms, ammunition and warheads. Undoubtedly, enormous and endless financial support can help them continue their malicious activities. Unquestionably, the terrorists are seeking both local and international  supporters and all such individual or groups, friends of this piece of land in disguise. It is, therefore, required anti-terrorist financing come into being, in order to put a check a economic affairs of dignities.

Formerly, a praiseworthy development happened to materialize, as the draft for anti-terrorist financing law came into existence. Now forth, it may be expected more or less, the government demonstrate a higher degree of seriousness in curbing terrorism by putting a restraint on the financial affairs of terrorists.

Previously, the Wolesi Jirga (WJ)  or Lower House of Parliament on approved a draft law on terrorist financing authorizing the National Security Council (NSC) to place curbs on individuals accused of funding terrorists.

The anti-terrorist financing law owes five chapters and 29 articles that were presented before the house by the commission on economic affairs. Out of the 124 lawmakers present, 119 unanimously voted to approve the terrorist financing law, authorizing the NSC to act against individuals found guilty of funding terrorists. Any person accused of funding terrorists is subjected to judicial inquiry, leading to the seizure of his money the charges are proved, the law reads. It is also included in the discretionary power of NSC to recommend blacklisting such individuals to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

The law with the inclusion of its clauses is commendable, if applied without socioeconomic and political standing of a person into consideration, devoid of delay tactic and biases. It might serve a way forward, scale back the irreversibly growing terrorism.