Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Indifference towards Plight of the People

Nowadays most of the TV channels are broadcasting live the campaigns of two presidential candidates who are greeted by thousands of people wherever they go. Few others were broadcasting movies or any other entertaining programs. However, there were only few of them broadcasting the news that flash flood washed the homes and lands of people in Baghlan province, killing more than 50 people and hundreds wounded. Thousands others fled from their homes, seeking refuge in the mountains or plains fearing further floods.

Lt. Fazel Rahman, the police chief in the Guzirga i-Nur district of the northeastern Baghlan province, said 54 bodies have been recovered, including the remains of women and children, but many others are still missing. He said the death toll could climb to 100 and called for emergency assistance from the central government.“So far no one has come to help us. People are trying to find their missing family members,” Rahman said, adding that the district’s police force was overstretched by the scale of the disaster.

It was the latest in a string of deadly flash floods, landslides and avalanches in Afghanistan’s rugged northern mountains, where roads are poor and many villages are virtually cut off from the rest of the country.

Only a day before, several people lost lives in Kabul city where two blasts happened targeting the campaign of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. After the attack, leaders of the team appeared on television and ensured people of their safety. But nobody’s curiosity was instigated about how many people were killed in such two strong bomb blasts.

Unfortunately, our politicians are responsible for the bigger miseries of Afghan people. During past decades, each leader brought people together and encouraged to fight against one another. A short glimpse at the names of current top officials shows that visible number of them are those who have been involved in different sorts of controversies. Meanwhile, they maneuver behind black windows of armored vehicles and no one is there to question them that how they have collected such enormous wealth. Even worse, they are the most popular figures and people support them even by giving up their lives.

Therefore, the media broadcasts live the campaigns of the presidential candidates but never pay attention to thousands of Baghlan residents who even do not have tent to pass the night. So, as far as people do not change and bring the officials into question, the situation is not going to change and it would be civilians who will suffer.