Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Afghanistan On the Verge of Natural Clamaties

Undeniably man has rendered hapless before monstrous natural calamities hit hard civilian population and ruin well built cities. The calamities such as cyclone, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, massive floods have turned catastrophic claiming thousands of lives. It is an absolute finding, these calamities cannot be prevented, but bringing pragmatic measures into use, both human and infrastructural losses can be restrained to a maximum.

Out of all natural disasters, flood and landslide turned the deadliest killing thousands of people. Usually various parts of Afghanistan are subject to flooding and mudslides during the spring and summer months due to ice and snow melt in the mountainous regions, that reaches the main rivers via water seepage through rocks and lands. Consequently a down slope movement of soil/rock under the influence of gravity takes place. Earlier, over two thousand people suffered landslide in Badakhshan district. Till date the miseries of victims of landslide are not forgotten yet another heart wrecking incident of flooding took place that claimed lives of hundreds of people.

Formerly, the flooding following torrential rains, killed more than 100 people have after flash floods swept away through the Guzarga-i-Noor which is about 120 kilometers north of the provincial capital Pul-i-Khumri, borders neighbouring Takhar province, rendering thousands of families homeless. The survivors are left helpless, else wouldn’t wait for immediate rescue operation.

The lack of resources, complicated the search for those missing and recover the dead from flooded areas. The floods left the district center completely disconnected from the affected villages. It was the latest in a string of deadly flash floods, landslides and avalanches in northern provinces.

The operational services of government and public officials and concerned departments seemed negligible and they relied to condemnation only. It is not the only tragic natural disaster that claimed hundreds of lives whilst exposing government’s incompetence. Identically, last August, hundreds of people were killed and made homeless by flooding that wreaked havoc across central Afghanistan, including Kabul. A few words of condemnation are appreciable stance, however few memorable deeds might have saved hundreds of lives that would render matchless. However, the necessary equipments needed to carry out rescue operations restricted their abilities, to duly save precious lives.

It was indeed a great tragedy that left hundreds of precious lives dead at the earliest hours.  Many lives could be rescued if aids had reached on time. The number of causalities hastily multiplies, given the government couldn’t adobe necessary measures downsizing the magnitude of the tragedy. Many affected families have questioned the government over giving up so quickly the search for victims, leaving locals and volunteer search on their own.