Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Why Second Round of Elections?

As the second round of presidential elections is approaching, local and international media have also pointed out a problem that may arise when neither of the candidates was able to receive the required percentage of votes and there was a tie between them in the second rounds as well. Similar frustration and the resultant complications were observed in the first round of these elections when no candidate secured the required majority vote. Although the country could not afford the limbo created due to this situation and the whole economy and powers of the world had to wait for some more months until the smooth transition of power comes into effect.

In regards of the second round of presidential elections, there seems to be a big flaw in our constitutional laws. This method of voting for the second time was in use in past but then all the countries switched to a more secure and brisk system of single voting. Having a look at the circumstances of our country, the second round of elections is both unnecessary and costly. It is in the knowledge of all that the Independent Election Commission spent millions of dollars to hold these elections. In the same way, dozens of lives of innocent citizens and that of security forces were lost in the effort to make these elections secure. At the same time, millions of Afghans went to the polling booths on the day of election to perform their duty, ignoring all the threats and fears of attacks by Taliban and anti-state militants.

After the new government is established, it must be the foremost responsibility of this government to bring constitutional changes so that the system of run-off elections for the post of president should be eliminated and a proper system should be introduced that should solve this problem forever. In this regard, just like the system of our neighboring countries of Pakistan and India, the majority candidate should be allowed to make the government. Then he or she should make a coalition with independent members or members of other parties. In this way, the money of public can be saved and utilized for other important purposes. In the same way, the time wastage and confusion, that gets its birth due to the undecided first round, would also be avoided.

This is the more stable and fruitful form of democracy and all members of upcoming government and sharp brains of our society should suggest solutions to this dilemmatic situation.