Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Social Media and Sectarian Divide

According to the media and social experts, the recent divide and sectarian clash in Iraq was mostly due to the uncontrolled sentimental and antagonistic propagation in the media and internet especially in the social networking sites of Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and others that went unchecked and resulted in the promotion of hatred among the people of Sunni and Shia sects. Right after the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies, it was feared that there may be such difference of opinion about religion but international powers promoted these differences between the two major sects of the country for their own hidden agendas and in the end, country was pushed into a worst sectarian clash that is claiming more lives comparing to the years when the country was ruled by foreign troops.

The Al-Qaeda based militant group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has captured some of the major cities of the country like Mosul, Tikrit and others causing great threat to the democratic government of the country. This militant group announced to establish a separate Islamic state in Iraq and Syria and for that purpose; they started fighting against the governments of Iraq and Syria. In Syria, it was supported by the European allies so as to bring down the Shia government of Bashar-al-Assad. However, the atrocities of this group increased so much that it was expelled out of the country by the factions that were fighting against the government of Assad. In Iraq as well, ISIS is considered to be a group representing the Sunni population of the country who are fighting against the Shia government of the center. According to the international media, the group is supported morally and physically by the Sunni population of the country and also some of the countries of the region like Saudi Arabia supporting any kind of effort against the Shia governments, be it in Iraq, Syria or Iran.

The drift and clash between the Sunni and Shia governments is not something new but the condition has worsened after same kind of differences have got its root in the general public. In Iraq, the differences and hatred between the Sunni and Shia population have considerably increased in these years and as a result, the mental and emotional differences have emerged in a form of armed clash resulting in the death of thousands of people from both the sides. It is believed that the hate-promoting materials being propagated on Social media and websites played key role in this condition.

In our country Afghanistan, Sunni and Shia population has coexisted peacefully and worked together for the progress of the country. It is also a fact that religious beliefs of both the sects believe in humanity and service more than the religious practices and it is the base of almost all the religions of the world. However, it is  also a fact that some of the hatred-promoting materials are being promoted and propagated on social sites especially Facebook that can be very pernicious for the national solidarity and religious unity. Government and especially the Ministry of Information and Technology should be more vigilant against the efforts of the enemies of peace and national solidarity who may continue their efforts to arise these differences. Our war-torn country can no more withstand such hatred or clash among the masses.