Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Impartial Results Awaited

Huge lot of applause to Afghans whose richer participation in the runoff election process marked their resolve, altering their disgruntled fate whilst showing the highest degree of confidence they associated with the democratic process. Though, the election turnout remained low yet the great majority of Afghans dauntlessly exercised their right to franchise, in the quest to elect their political leader who they consider could downsize their manifold political and socioeconomic issues.

This time Election Commission’s preparedness was comparatively better, still lapses were underscored in the form of shortages and timely distribution of ballot papers. The sources of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) spoke of lesser irregularities during the second round, citing the fewer number of formal complaints they had received on Election Day. The sources of the Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) unearthed 29 objections had been filed against its staffers and 275 general complaints, including 140 telephonic, complaints had been registered by the end of the voting process.

Some of credible electoral watchdog’s simultaneously observing the electoral process acknowledged the runoff vote generally went well but insecurity, shortage of ballot papers, ballot stuffing and technical shortcomings were observed.

One of the dominant factors, affecting the electoral process, was worsened security measures. In the runoff security concerns remained high. Despite beefed-up security, the anti-government armed militants carried out nearly 150 attacks during the runoff presidential election. According to media reports more than 50 civilians and 29 ANSF personnel were killed and higher number was injured following the attacks on  the election day. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials also said around 121 polling stations remained closed in various provinces due to security reasons. Meanwhile, the Taliban propagated to have carried out around 639 attacks in various provinces during the runoff on the voting day. Nevertheless, large number of people reached their respective polling stations to cast the ballot. The enormous and warmth of participation undertaken by the masses is indicative of negation of violence and militancy.

A tragic incident happened in western Herat province, where reportedly the fingers of at least eleven voters were cut off by anti-government armed militants. Such inhuman practices are frequently undertaken by militants to discourage public participation in the electoral process which couldn’t melt the determination of masses exercising the right of their self determination.

Despite all discouraging stances of terrorism and security threats, the electoral process successfully reached to its ultimate fate. The masses are anxiously waiting for a fair and impartial results drawn. The ballot count is underway which centrally determines the destiny of Afghanistan, put on the avenues of prosperity given an impartial result is drawn, else endless turmoil and anarchy awaits our fates given partiality is exercised in result compilation.