Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Efforts of NDS and Security Forces Hailed

According to the National Directorate of Security (NDS), Afghan intelligence operatives have foiled more than 470 attacks of militants in last two months. According to the spokesman, Abdul Haseeb Sediqi, militants were planning to carry out their attacks in different parts of the country but on-time action of security forces thwarted these attacks, saving hundreds of lives of civilians and government officials. In order to make this happen, large number of military operations were carried out in all parts of the country in which large number of militants were killed or arrested and their terror plots were foiled. These operations were especially important as they were mostly directed to disparage the electoral process so that the democratic transition of government should be harmed and their efforts could have dragged the country back into the hands of militants.

The above report by the National Directorate of Security not only shows the extreme professionalism of our spying operatives but also shows their dedicated efforts to fight continually against the enemies of the country and the state. It is worth mentioning here that in last few months, we have been receiving reports of increasing operations against the militants by our security forces in which large numbers of militants were killed and at the same time, the numbers of attacks of militants have considerably decreased. A report by a neutral think-tank had also given its findings that militants and Taliban have been disparaged in last few months and the credit goes to efforts of our security forces.

It is a fact that government did all its efforts to settle down the issues with militants by peaceful negotiations. In this regard, many rounds of peace talks were held and a number of Taliban members were released from the prisons as a sign of goodwill by the government. In order to make the peace talks a continued effort, a separate and authorized entity by the name of ‘Supreme Peace Council’ was established but it is a fact that with the flexibility from the government, demands of Taliban and militants kept increasing and they never showed any mercy to our innocent people. Same practice ended with a failure in Pakistan when Pakistani government failed to reach to a conclusion with its efforts of negotiations and peace talks and had to resort to the option of military operations. Now, there are reports that these operations have badly damaged the infrastructure of militants and they are fleeing the area and large numbers of militants are being killed in these operations.

It is a fact that peace talks are very useful in resolving conflicts but if the militants only understand the language of force, then it is not much sensible to give them time to gather more power and create more serious threats to the government and the public. In such circumstances, it remains as a good option to utilize all the means to eliminate them so that they should no more remain a threat for the lives of people and the stability of the country.