Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Independent Election Commission is Responsible

Controversy over the second runoff presidential election, which was conducted on Saturday June 14 between the two leading candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmad Zai, continues. There is mistrust in the air due to massive fraudulence that reportedly took place in the election.

The latest report released by the Independent Election Commission shows that the number of voters in some insecure areas almost doubled. The troubled zones in southern Afghanistan, the place where monitoring the polling stations was difficult, turned out to host an unbelievable outcome. Reportedly, the counted votes from three provinces of Paktika, Paktia and Khost show a huge difference compared to the first round – the number has doubled.

Meanwhile, the observers and media say that the turnout in the country was much less compared to the first run. It also should be noted that these areas do not have this large number of people eligible to vote.

In a fraud-riddled process, that began as early as the Election Day, police and the Independent Election Commission accuse each other of electoral fraud.

In spite of the threats from insurgents, millions of Afghans flocked to the polling centers with the hope of a secure and peaceful future. Unbelievably, the disabled and the aged, who were unable to walk, were carried by their families to cast their votes.

According to reports, eleven men with inked fingers, showing they had just voted, had their digits chopped off by the Taliban and another eleven in Abdullah’s campaign and election observers were killed by a roadside bomb on the eve of the election. So, at a press conference, Abdullah talked about those who lost their lives because of this election and because of their wishes to make difference in their country.

It is beyond doubt that the long-term war, which lasted for more than three decades, exhausted Afghan people. The first power transition which is going to take place through election is an exciting experience for the people. The public’s massive participation in the election demonstrated Afghans’ keen interest towards democracy. Therefore, it should be noted that a nation who made a lot of sacrifices for paving the way to democracy, fraudulence and discrediting their ballots will be intolerable.

Now, it is the Independent Election Commission and the political officials to respect the people’s rights and fulfill their responsibilities honestly. In case of further tension, they will be held accountable. So, it is emphasized once more that the authorities and the IEC should use all their abilities to prevent from tension and act out responsibly.