Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Electoral Fraud Should be Duly Addressed

Subsequent to completion of run off presidential election, it seemed the election was fairly conducted and successful and fair election would bring an agreed solution. However, the dream turned nightmare when the presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah Abdullah cried foul underlining mass rigging and countless irregularities staged to alter the peoples’ mandate. He claimed the President Karzai played foul by extending bright day support to his rival in the runoff election whilst negating the credibility of  the electoral body exercising vote count and tallying process anymore remain impartial. Consequently, he demanded an immediate stop to the vote-tallying process withdrawing his  obrservers from vote count process.

According to claims made by Dr. Abdullah: in at least 8 provinces more votes were reported than the eligible voters. In some areas, evident ballot stuffing executed where no election took place, he claimed. One of the person highly doubted is IEC's Secretariat Chief Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail who came under suspicion on Election Day when a convoy of his cars was stopped by Kabul police leaving the election commission unannounced loaded with blank ballots. Following his suspicious acts he should have been suspended from his position and investigated for fraud, which regretfully didn’t materliaze. Like Amarkhel, there are number of independent election commission employees who were found involved in electoral irregularities. All such ill-deeds undertaken by public officials eroded our confidence in the electoral bodies, Dr. Abdullah said formerly in a press conference.

Following, the joint cold response of government and electoral commission, he cut off ties with the election commissions and pulled his observer. Dr. Abdullah lately, warned if his concerns are not done away with, he would call for  nationwide protests.

Abdullah urged, the international community, as Afghanistan’s partner in the electoral exercise, should see to it that global aid was spent properly and the polls conducted in a transparent manner. He anticipated the international credible organization look into his claims and help the electoral commission undertake fair result compilation.

The accusations charged by presidential contender, must be duly heard and impartially treated by the head of the electoral commission and the concerns must be done away with. There are large numbers of IEC and public officials involved in rigging the election, the claims made by Dr. Abdullah should duly be addressed.  As per demand made by Dr. Abdullah a neutral commission comprising of UN observers should be empowered to undertake the electoral irregularities and result compilation process.