Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Need of Wisdom to Tackle Political Crisis

The recent political crisis after the second round of presidential elections can end in serious consequences, more serious than one might fear and estimate. It may altogether eat away the fruits of international community’s efforts by bringing the country back on the path of democracy. It may bring a serious drift in our national solidarity and divide the country on the basis of language and ethnicity. It may give birth to clash inside our forces and national army where similar ethnic divide has been feared. It may drag the country into a bloodshed and civil war that may be even bloodier than the civil war of three decades before this democratic setup. There may be so many other possibilities that may be very harmful for every individual Afghan.

Nations face different critical situations but then they show perseverance and wisdom to come out of the crisis. No doubt, the present situation may be a difficult situation but if we did not pass this time of crisis with wisdom and rational salvation, we may face losses that might leave our entire history darkened and made us ashamed of our act for years and centuries to come.

We are not here to discuss about the nature of the problem, and different factors responsible for this but it must not be forgotten that if for our limited and temporary objectives, we jeopardized the fate of our country and nation; our acts might result in losses that may be irreplaceable. We may or may not achieve our present goals but it must not be forgotten that our today’s acts may affect our coming generations and there is need of wise and thoughtful acts.

It is always not necessary that we should try to be victorious by our present victory but there are numerous leaders of the world who got fame and respect after they decided to leave the position and post for the sake of country. Their act may have brought temporary defeat for them but they won in the long run by saving the country from a disaster and giving it firm basis by their sacrifice.

Both of our presidential candidates are doctors and well-educated. They have also claims of being patriotic, preferring the country and nation over their personal gains. Present crisis can only be solved by the wisdom, sacrifice and mutual understanding and negotiations of both the candidates. For the time being, two things must not be forgotten. First, for our objectives, the feelings and sentiments based on ethnicity or language should never be tolerated and secondly, protest is our democratic right but protests and demonstrations should not disturb the general public and any attempt to make it violent should be badly discouraged. This is the only way we can discourage the enemies of nation who are looking for a small chance to destabilize the country and draw this awakening nation back into darkness.