Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Women Participation is Imperative in Soico-political Arena

Universe sustains on the firm foundation of justice and parity. The creator certainly, has created all human beings on universal righteous principals of fairness, irrespective of the gender he/she belongs to. The difference lying in physical make up and strength endowed to each gender is meant fixing their specified natural undertakings in the universe. It can never be used as an excuse, deeming women inferior, worthy of being subjected to socio-political discrimination and inequity. It is equivalent to establishment of sound grounds for denial to their fundamental rights; given some irrational endorsements serve the basis. The social isolation of females in such societies seems predestined.

Women constitute half of afghan population. They can play foundational role in formation and development of the society and upcoming generation. They owe equivalent vigor to outstand and undertake the societal undertakings appropriately. Regretfully, they are deemed and treated second class citizen; meant to plague their innate capabilities rendering them dysfunctional. If properly educated and socialized they can be turned into valuable human resource earning enormous riches for poverty stricken country.  If shun in constant denial they will degenerate without productive contribution.

The flawed cultural practices supported by high degree of illiteracy support intense violence against women, legitimate and justified. The culture deeming women as subordinate citizen multiplies their receptiveness to greater tendency of being subjected to ill-treatment. Apart from formal education, community based adult education and awareness campaigns on momentous right’s issues complementary to Islamic teachings might assuage the stringency of substandard customary law named an Islamic law. The wretchedness does not end here as the incidents of violence against women remain largely under-reported because of cultural restraints, social norms and religious beliefs. Widespread discrimination and women's fears of social disgrace or threats to their lives discourage them prosecuting their offenders.

Violence against women is a dramatic problem in Afghanistan that has caused lots of damages to the life of women itself as well as to the society. In Afghanistan violence against women is much widespread and deeply rooted in different parts of the country. Women have no or little voice to be heard and they have always been victims of violence either from their own family or from the society. The graph of violence in Afghanistan such as domestic violence, honor killing, and sexual violence against women and young girls is escalating uninterrupted. Every alternate day endless tales of butcheries, physical torture, harassment and sexual assaults are surfaced where women render prey to flawed cultural practices, biased if not blind laws and sharia doctrines.

Throughout the length of history the despotic, feudal and theocratic regimes strived hard marginalizing women from socio-political circle of human endeavors. The contemporary society of Afghanistan does not lag behind in this regard the hindrance to former ratification of law safeguarding the women’s right is the manifestation to underlying fact. It should not stereotype women’s isolation and dependence, as an emblem of decency and modesty; -it is meant to plague the half of resourceful human resource.