Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Resignation of Election Commission Chief Secretary

Ziaul Haq Amerkhel, the chief secretary of Independent Election Commission announced his resignation in presence of Journalists on Monday. He said that he did not resign under pressure but because of trust building and getting the election out of the deadlock.

Previously, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah one of the presidential election runners blamed him of committing systematic fraud in the favor of his rival Dr. Ashraff Ghani.  On the day of election, he was caught when transferring voting materials to Surobi district of Kabul Province. Many blamed him of transferring voting materials without previous cooperation with Kabul police and thus blamed him of secret transfer of voting materials in order to make fraud.

On Monday, he branded the incident on the Election Day as conspiracy and said he resigned only for trust building and save of election as national process. A day before his resignation, an audio tape was released by team of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah which was claimed to be voice of Mr. Amerkhel.  But he said that tape was fake and it was made to defame him. Mr. Yousuf Nooristani, the chief of Election Commission also regretted his resignation. He also said that his resignation had nothing to do with audio tape and called him as sincere, skillful and patriot.

Anyhow, as said Dr. Abdullah Abdullah previously cut all his ties with election. He blamed the both commissions that they did not listen to their complaints with zeal to support his rival. One of his principle demands was discharge of Zaihul Haq Amerkhel. He said because he was engaged in vote rigging, he should be discharged directly by Mr. President otherwise he would not accept the result of the election.  However, both teams accept that frauds did happen across the country and by supporters of both candidates, but the votes gained by Ashraff Ghani in eastern provinces are fake, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah claims.

After the resignation of Chief Secretary of election commission, Yousuf Nooristani said that ten percent votes of five provinces will be rechecked. Those provinces are Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Nooristan and Ghor. If from ten percent, five percent of votes appear to be fake, than fifty percent of the mentioned provinces will be sealed as counterfeit.

But still it is not clear whether the resignation of Amerkhel would bring Dr. Abdullah back to stream or not.