Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Holy Month Approaches

Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar has approached. Tomorrow will be observed as the first day of Ramadan throughout the Muslim world including Afghanistan. It is a distinguished Islamic month in which it is obligatory for every Muslim to keep fast during the whole day, avoid committing sins as far as possible and help the poor people.

Holy Quran, the sacred book of Muslims got completed in Ramadan which makes the month especially distinct for the Muslim world. During the blessed month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours. As a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-sacrifice, Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking.

The purpose is Ramadan is reminding the people and the ruler of their responsibilities and roles in a society as human beings. In Afghanistan, where people are in dire need of peace and justice, there is much need to spread the real message of Ramadan.

The main objective of remaining hungry and thirsty in the month of Ramadan is to feel the hunger and thirst of deprived section of society. The rich section of society and government are expected to assist the needy people by sharing their suffering and assisting them by whatsoever means possible to them. In practice, however, except a few poverty relief organizations and popular public figures, nobody including the government seems to be caring about those in dire need of help. The purpose of Ramadan is unfortunately being confined to not eating and not drinking and no measures are in place to provide incentives to the poor people who make around 60 percent of population of Afghanistan. 

Fasting is not just keeping oneself away food and water for the entire day; it has an opportunity for its observers to bring about positive changes in their social life. One of the most dominant teachings of Ramadan is tolerance. Tolerance is not only advisable for a person in his individual life but also for his social undertakings. It helps a person in managing better social interactions and at the same time invigorating social relations. Tolerance is one of the highest qualities to have as it helps build the society, which largely depends on cooperation and trust. Unfortunately, today the bearers of religion are considered as the most intolerant people around the world. Nonetheless, Islam has always emphasized on the quality of tolerance.

Tolerance for others is necessary in today’s multicultural world. Muslims are all around the world and there are many Muslim countries that have different religious groups living in them; therefore, Muslims need to show great tolerance and respect for them and fasting is one of the ways of learning tolerance. Remaining without food and water throughout the day and at the same time keeping oneself normal and pleasant requires a great deal of tolerance. Moreover, it is one of the requirements of fasting that a person must not get too much rough in his social dealings and must not lose his temper. Being angry and abusive easily are the factors that spoil a person’s fast and are not at all allowed.

Another important quality that may be learned through fasting is the self control, which can play an important role in changing the society and bringing about positive changes. The people who are able to control themselves are able to change the society, while fasting is one of the ways of practicing the self control. As there are certain things that a person has to abstain from during the month of Ramadan, this teaches him to control his self. This self control can afterwards be used in changing the society for better.

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, in addition to bad security, the prices basic necessities reach new highs doubling the suffering of the people of Afghanistan. In the markets there has been up to 50 percent increment in the prices of basic necessities in the last few days or so. The prices are expected to rise further in the coming days, especially as we move towards the end of this month. Already ruined and in grief due to the three decades of war, rising prices will add to the suffering of the people. Every year the same practice is replayed in Afghanistan which is quite a misfortunate factor in a country which is one of the poorest in the world. Also, it discredits the functioning of government to alleviate of poverty.