Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

New Government and Style of Governance!

It is a strange paradox that our government is the most poor and needy in the whole world while the style of our government officials is the most inefficient and careless regarding their expenses. Our government officials drive the most expensive vehicles, they have rented the most expensive houses as their offices, the escort and security that is provided to our ministers and other high-ups is one of the most sophisticated and expensive and from all their actions, they exhibit a lifestyle that has no connection with the common people or the feeble economy of our country.

Due to all these expenses, large chunk of the money donated by the international community for our expenses is spent on things that can be termed ‘unnecessary and luxurious’ and can be easily controlled and avoided. It is the reason why, the amount left behind for the development projects are always less and in these twelve years of democracy, very few projects have been successfully completed and implemented that directly benefit the general public.

It is also a fact that government and different positions in it have become so attractive that people use different legal and illegal means to come to power and enjoy the authority and luxurious living that has become associated with these positions. On the other hand, we see that different governments of the world like India which is self dependent, a style of government has been adopted which is in accordance with their poor public. Their ministers still use the cheap and less luxurious cars, they are provided with minimal escort and security and they have other facilities according to their resources.

Now that the new government is about to come, a new and more realistic style of government can be put into practice that should be within our limited resources. This can start with the practical steps starting from the head of the government, i.e., the president, followed by the ministers and then the provincial heads. On the first step, they can be given with more economical vehicles and the number of escort and security vehicles can be decreased. If a person is worried of this life, he doesn't deserve to be in a post to serve the people because most the time, he would be more concerned with his security instead of his responsibilities.

Our ministers also don’t deserve to ride vehicles worth almost 100 thousand dollars, rather they can be provided with cars worth 10-15 thousand dollars. In this way, not only a large amount of money would be saved but the position in government would appear so that people would not be competing to come to power for luxury rather for the service of people.