Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Presidential Election and Role of President

As per law, only a month remains before the election commissions take the final decision and announces the next President who will replace Mr. President Hamid Karzai. But the prospective does not look good as Dr. Abdullah claims that over 2 million votes casted in the favor of his rival are unfeigned. Meanwhile he also has turned the edge of his criticisms towards President saying that he is responsible for such dramatic electoral fraud. In declaration released by presidential office on Sunday, he has not openly reacted to allegations against him nor tried to respond to such criticisms. Rather he brands the series of demonstrations, particularly, the Friday one as sign of democracy development. He has said that when all people participate in demonstration irrespective of language and ethnicity, than it reflects that democracy has taken roots in the country.

Anyhow, nowadays there are two contradictory theories about President Karzai. In the first round, all viewed that he supported Zalmai Rasoul, the former Minister of foreign affairs. But his blunt defeat in the first round did not end rumors about him. Some believe that he is still the main engineer behind political curtain and anything happens bears his approval or disapproval. As the Dr. Abdullah and his supporters believe and put their criticisms. In this category no matter if Amerkhel commits fraud or anyone else within the political and administrative structure of the present government; they have direct or indirect approval of Mr. President.

Thus, he is deemed as very shrewd and veteran politicians that still have grasped the situation under the control. Even some believe that current controversy over the result of second round of presidential election is part of his policy. Perhaps, by creating problem, he decides to extend his duration through a Loya Jirga and overwhelming support of civilians. Because, no one except evil figures, who are already fighting against government, wants to experience another period of uncertainty and chaos. Many say that no matter who becomes the next president and from which ethnicity and community but he should work for the sake of nation and get people rid of the present political confusion.

On the other hand, some others believe that situation has gone out of his control. Perhaps he may not have influence on the next president. What he is trying to do is ensuring that his overall family interests and prestige remain intact.

Whatever is the reason, as far as documents show, President Karzai has done a good job so far in terms of the recent election. If the fraud has happened many are responsible not only President Karzai because he is unable to watch out after every single administrative activities.