Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Uncertainty Influencing the Businesses

Uncertainty regarding the future of the presidential election and its outcome has halted different walks of life. People are not at all certain what would be the future of political system in the country and they even fear that the circumstances may lead to an era of instability and chaos.

The political uncertainty has also influenced the economic system. The businesses do not like a situation when the future prospects are doubted and nothing remains sure. The investors like to be sure that their investments would generate the level of profit that they expect and it is only possible when there is peace, tranquility and stability in the society.

Who is responsible for the current deadlock within the election process is another discussion; the main point of concern is that the country as a whole has to suffer from the circumstances. It is, therefore, obligatory that all the stakeholders and the government must make sure that the impasse is ended and people are given a chance to take a sigh of relief. Otherwise, the situation may get out of control and by the time the leaders get ready to concur with each other, the people may already be ready to launch war against each other. Gaining control of the situation is also imperative to bring the economic activities on the track and support the country to concentrate on its economy and wellbeing.

There are already pieces of news suggesting that the businesses are getting tired of the situation, which is really threatening for the fragile economy. Traders and businessmen in western city of Herat complained on Tuesday that their businesses received great setback because of the prolonged electoral process. Local traders and businessmen told the reporters that businesses have been affected and they are on downward trend since last six months.

Office bearers of Herat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI) also aired same concerns. An official of the HCCI Khalil Ahmad Yarmand acknowledged trade related activities were on downward trend following long-drawn process of presidential election.

The presidential candidates have to keep all these concerns in their consideration. At the same time, Election Commission and the government must also make sure that they deal with the situation honestly and hastily. They require facilitating the negotiations among the presidential candidates and must also strive to minimize the concerns of the candidates regarding the process. However, they need to take action immediately; otherwise, it would be really very late.