Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Poor Performance of Election Commission

This year’s election process was an absolute disaster. In conditions when country is passing through its worst times with increasing militancy, pullout of foreign troops, economic freeze, and national solidarity at their worst stages, smooth and brisk transition of power to the new president was direly needed as many issues like BSA, SOFA and all the international investments and donations are all waiting to be finalized by the arrival of new president.

It was badly needed that Election Commission should have conducted these elections professionally and transparently so that the new president could have reined to power without any delay or political uncertainty but unfortunately it all happened in the opposite. First round of presidential elections were controversial with more than two thousand complaints of fraud and poll-rigging registered from all across the country and in majority of these complaints, the employees of the Election Commission were accused of ballot-stuffing, and other fraudulent activities. This fact was verified when more than 5000 employees of the Commission were terminated from their posts by the Commission.

Second round of presidential elections turned out to be even worse. With the latest accusations and revelations, media is reporting the involvement of some top officials of the commission in the fraud and poll rigging. No lesson was learned from the mistakes and shortcomings of the first round and the cases and complaints of fraud and poll-stuffing increased manifolds in the second round. It is the reason why, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah boycotted both the commissions and country has fallen into a political crisis which may worsen and turn out to be a beginning of a civil war having a look at the frightening omens of the present circumstances.

However, the arbitration is in progress to make Dr. Abdullah end his boycott and get into the electoral process. Chief of Secretariat of the Commission has already resigned from his post on similar allegations and there are also present non-official reports of the involvement of other members of the Commission.

Election Commission has been given all the authority and their employees are provided with all the facilities needed for performing their duties properly. In such circumstances, it is very shameful that the performance of both the bodies of Election Commission is not satisfactory.

Other than the poll rigging, the performance of commission regarding on-time compilation and announcement of results and other administrative issues has also been found to be sub-standard. The responsibility of this inadequate performance lies on the shoulders of the head of the commission and other high-ups who draw handsome salaries and enjoy other benefits for their services which can never be termed satisfactory. After the new government is established, the present setup of the Election Commission should be abolished immediately and an independent and active commission should be established that should be able to serve the purpose of its existence.