Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

A Fair Electoral Result will Earn Riches to Wartorn Afghanistan

The weeks long protest of Dr. Abdullah’s team reflects election was not only controversial, but the plot was orchestrated to rig the whole if not the part of presidential run-off, the ongoing worsening condition depicts. Though, the IEC’s secretariat chief Amarkhail following serious accusation got to resign, nevertheless that couldn’t bring an end to the impasse. The resignation of the senior fellow couldn’t do away with the charged allegation.

This is of course a critical national issue, pleading prior attention, else the continuous efforts exercised to restore democracy would render futile. The government must dauntlessly fix the responsibilities and take bold initiative to save the system form lengthened standstill. The government must show the aptitude to seek an impartial solution to the problem.

The commission did really lost its credibility by not being widely fair, equally blamed by ex-officials. A number of former elected officials and the Afghan public criticized the Independent Election Commission (IEC) this week for its supposed lack of effort to prevent fraud during this year's presidential election. Fazl Ahmad Manawee, a former Chairman of the IEC, said simply the leadership of the commission only think about their privileges rather than their responsibilities.

It was highly expected a fair election would be conducted under the supervision of assigned commission and incumbent government that has to exercise a high degree of impartiality followed by an agreeable and peaceful transition. Nevertheless, the charge labeled contains a certain degree of reality if not complete and should have been dealt prior to the emergence chaotic condition. Contrarily, the commission and the government supporting their stance of being impartial in the electoral process whilst justifying their standing doesn’t worth a penny and have discredited their position. Instead, President Karzai should have by now, used his discretionary power, suspending the concerned person on charges of fraud after a fair hearing, the issue then would definitely have shifted towards congenial solution.

Abdullah urged, the international community, as Afghanistan’s partner in the electoral exercise, should see to it that global aid was spent properly and the polls conducted in a transparent manner. He anticipated the international credible organization look into his claims and help the electoral commission undertake fair result compilation.

As per demand made by Dr. Abdullah a neutral commission comprising of UN observers should be empowered to undertake the election irregularities and result compilation process. The whole expectation refers to UN and credible international organizations, come forth and play their part in curtailing the political crisis by compiling a fairer result provided Afghanis rule out, fraud deciding their fate. At this very time when the crisis is about to multiply, given the concerns are left unaddressed.

The accusations charged by presidential contender, must be duly heard and impartially treated by the head of the electoral commission and the concerns must be done away with. There are large numbers of IEC and public officials involved in rigging the election, the claims made by Dr. Abdullah should duly be addressed.