Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Increasing Militancy and Need of Vigilance

The reports released on daily basis by the Ministry of Interior and Defense and the statistics confirmed by the representatives of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), large numbers of militants are killed every day in every corner of the country. These militants are killed in different military operations carried out by our forces in which our forces also sustain minor losses in form of the martyrdom and injuries of the members of police and Afghan National Army. These operations are conducted on daily basis and in areas like Helmand where the operation gets prolonged; the number of casualties from both the sides may increase.

These operations and the resultant casualties have witnessed sharp rise with the arrival of summer when the season becomes much suitable for the militants to carry out their activities. It is also a sad reality that, even with all the operations and cleansing of different areas of the militants, the re-emergence of militants is also a serious concern showing the continued and wide-scaled hiring, training and deployment of the militants by the enemies of state to challenge the writ of law and the rule of government.

No doubt, our forces face the similar situation in almost every summer of the year and summer is termed to be the ‘breeding season’ for militants when they carry out their operations in different parts of the country. But this year’s increased activity of militants in different parts of the country is a matter of serious concern for all the citizens.

From more than a year, our security forces started taking over the security of the country from the ISAF and other foreign forces, claiming their full capacity and capability to maintain order inside the country and also tackle the dangers from outside the country. We have no doubt in the abilities of our forces and we really laud and appreciate their dedicated efforts for keeping their countrymen at rest.

They have presented the sacrifices of their lives for keeping peace and security in the country. But the increased activities of militants in the long run can be very fatal for the abilities and morale of our forces. Such a condition may not only harm the overall strength of the force in form of casualties of our forces in these operations, but the increasing number of casualties may also demoralize the forces and bring down their interest in being a part of their respective forces.

It is truly appreciable that till present, our forces have shown remarkable performance in tackling the attacks of militants. However, it is needed that a full-fledged plan should be undertaken to make sure other factors that give birth to re-emergence of militants like cutting their supply line, stopping them from hiring people, making more strict patrolling on border to stop the infiltration from the neighboring countries and also find out the supporters or sympathizers present at high posts in our government and even the police and national army. Such concrete steps would make sure that we would be able to curb the militancy from its roots and also save the lives and resources of our forces.