Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

ISIS Surpassed Al-Qaida

Those who seek not to understand the harsh lines of history, turn a perishable falsehood; it is the uttered fact of global phenomena. It is an undoubted fact, neither falsehood can be justified by thousands of supporting testimonials, nor can truth be beleaguered by hundreds of lies. Each of the two phenomena, tend to exist with distinct disparity. The establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) renders one of such deceptions, anchored on the blood of innocents and unarmed citizens. It is said that the throng of terrorists that stationed in Iraq and Syria from across the world, have surpassed the brutality of Al-Qaida; thus sent a shock impulse over the spine of many states, including the US.

Previously, the Ameerul Momineen Abubakar Al-Baghdadi, a self proclaimed caliph publicly pronounced the establishment of independent Islamic State (caliphate) in the land it controls, in an audiotape message, urging all Muslims to migrate to the aforementioned state and pledge allegiance to him. He made a special appeal to those with practical skills, scholars, judges, doctors, engineers and people with military and administrative expertise, to come to the ascribed land. The self claimed caliph was also shown asking the jihadi fighters to escalate fighting in the holy month of Ramadan, which happened to be the noblest deed. This is of course a forged interpretation of Jihad sought to further their malicious designs.

It should be learned that there are already fifty seven functional Islamic states that claim to be safeguarding the Islamic values and rituals enshrined in the Holy Scriptures. However, the ISIS pursuing the footsteps of the Taliban that had set Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan pivoted on mass human rights violation. The world observed ISIS demolishes the sacred and historic places such as shrines, mosques, and churches, exercises a narrow version of Islam rendering unacceptable for both Muslims and non-Muslims world, alike. Factually speaking the Muslim world suffers the height of intolerance and extremism.

Apart from bad governance, there are multiple factors behind the escalating extremism yet it is malicious for being solely responsible for the widened unrest, plaguing the world over. It is one of the findings of Pew Global Attitude, highlighted in its former poll that underlines high concern about religious extremism in the Muslim countries. It should be learned that states can be built by a disgruntled group, relying on granted warheads and weapons, but can’t be run without clearly laid principles, universally accepted system of governance a profound self-reliance and harmonious coexistence.