Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

How to Solve the Kabul University Hostel Problem?

The fight broke out among students of Kabul hostel on the night of July 6, which was really hurtful. Reportedly, in friendly football match, two players fought and soon it changed into a communal fight between two ethnic groups. But with evil move of some students, the fight soon changed into a sectarian clash as some misused the environment and chanted slogans against one particular sect perhaps in order to involve a larger number of students which unfortunately worked properly. So, the fight started from 8 o’clock and continued till mid night. As a result, 23 people sustained injuries and were transferred to hospital. Based on reports BBC released, 19 of them were discharged after treatment but four are still in hospital because their injuries are serious.

The eye witnesses have told that police force also acted discriminatively, dividing one side of the fight into two groups by locking part of them inside the hostel and majority of them out of the hostel which unfortunately exposed them further to huge numbers of students from the opposite side. Additionally, there were reports about availability of cold weapons at the hands of students.  The file of this case will be closed and nobody cares who the culprit was behind. Moreover, if police acts fairly and arrests few, they will be released by interference of top officials who are directly or indirectly behind such incidents in order to strengthen their own positions among their own respective communities.

Last year similar problem broke out. Two students were killed and culprits were not brought to justice.  That incident of course has made some culprits even bolder, feeling that they would not be persecuted and sooner or later the case will be forgotten. In order to prevent such incidents two things must be done.

First, the students who are responsible should be discharged from the university and hostel immediately. Till now the Ministry of Higher Education, after any incident only announced holiday for students. It did not hold any serious measure to resolve the problem from its root.

Secondly, intelligence should penetrate among students and take immediate action against those who are responsible for such clashes. Though some are identified as responsible but no action has been taken against them. Such compromise will only deepen the problem and perhaps soon cause the overflow of controversy outside the university.