Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

A Political Reason behind Calling off Universities

The conflict among the university students, which was changed into racial clash, was announced the main problem behind delaying university exams across the country. However, since the advantages go to the politicians, the case seems more political. It is a matter of suspicion that how a small skirmish was enlarged. Those who were involved express surprise how the flame was fanned!

Some believe that the one who started the tension was not from the students rather he was an outsider. To the students’ chagrin, soon the tension was carried inside the university and dragged many to the case. Furthermore, the students who were whipped by the police claim that the police approached the conflict discriminately. But, did the government nip the conflict in the bud?

Contrary to the common expectations, the government reacted to the case unjustly. The university exams were postponed for the next month across the country. Now, it is a matter of question for each that why all the universities, including the private ones, are supposed to delay their exams, despite their non-involvement in the issue!

This trick of the government is no more new for the people. According to public opinion, the government called the universities off fearing a greater tension which, as conjectured by the officials, may result from the announcement of the final result of the presidential candidates. Whether the conflict occurred in the university or not, it was already planned by the government to call the universities off during the announcement of the final result. However, the case was the best opportunity for the experienced politicians to use it in their advantages.

It is highly painful to see that the university students sustain injustice every now and then. They have been changed into most vulnerable part of the society and supposed to grin and bear it. Their voice always goes to one ear and comes out of the other and their problems are given cold shoulder by the high-ranking officials.

If one asks a university student about his challenges, s/he will get the injustice, they sustain, off their chest. Hence, when they are treated in an inappropriate way and their rights are flagrantly violated, then how is it possible to expect them to grow the best personalities in the future?

Thus, the government officials are humbly asked not to devalue this issue and take serious steps in addressing the students’ challenges. Moreover, it should be noted that the students’ personalities will grow only in a fair and suitable atmosphere.