Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

President and Commission Must Take Responsibility!

The country is in the worst political crisis of history and the destructive outcomes of this crisis might be even more pernicious to the country than the return of Taliban, the corruption and other problems being faced by the country. Till now, all the efforts made by local mediators, UNAMA and representatives of the United States have failed to bring an end to the political deadlock. Now, all the hopes are pinned for the arrival of John Kerry, the Secretary of State of the United States.

It is still unknown as which kind of miracle the visit of Mr. Kerry might bring that everyone in the country is looking forward to it. It would be however very dangerous for the country if Mr. Kerry also failed to end this crisis.

While keeping our hopes with the visit of John Kerry, the president and the Independent Election Commission (IEC) need to be more active and responsible in solving this problem because both of them seem to be the prime responsible entities of this situation. It is clear that the present situation is due to massive poll rigging and fraud in the second round of presidential elections. The election Commission is responsible both directly and indirectly in this regard. There is no doubt that some of the high-ups and large number of the inferior employees of the Commission were involved in the electoral fraud, which is confirmed by the undeniable facts and equivocally confirmed by the national and international observers. As the Election Commission was formed by the present government so present government is also both directly and indirectly responsible for this electoral fraud. It is both irresponsible and dangerous for both the bodies to watch and wait for the next step or announcement of the presidential candidates.

When we come to the side of solution, the only solution is to clean the fake and clean votes and then announce the result. According to UNAMA, both the candidates have also shown their agreement to go through the auditing of votes from 7000 polling sites. It is needed that president Karzai should immediately intervene and direct the Commission to make this happen in the least time possible.

Above than the mentioned solution, any solution like bribing, threatening or any other step outside the constitutional boundary would be very threatening for the solidarity and future stability of the country. At the same time, it is also dangerous both for the president and the commission to watch and wait and show no serious concern in this regard.